The Persimmon Industry Council (PIC) represents the export persimmon industry here in New Zealand, and is recognised by our Government in this role.
Persimmons are a relatively new commercial crop for New Zealand. In 1986 just an estimated 5,000 trays were exported which amounts to 20 tonnes. By 1989 this had risen to almost 100,000 trays, peaking at around 615,000 trays (or 2,460 tonnes) in 2002. In recent years export volumes have fluctuated around 12,800 tonnes.
Around three quarters of production is exported, to a range of countries which can be seen in the table beside.
The PIC has been investing heavily in market development in recent years. As a consequence NZ exported its first persimmons to China in 2017 – a small amount to test the water. We also have access now to the USA market, and are increasing volumes to both markets as they develop for us.
The persimmon industry elected in 1989 to come under the New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority Act (HEA) 1987. This Act enables industries to set a number of guidelines through the industry’s Export Marketing Strategy (EMS), which all particpants in the export industry must follow. The Persimmon EMS states that all persimmons exported from New Zealand must meet minimum quality standards, and that growers must follow “safe food” principles of orchard management. All growers and exporters also contribute through payment of fees to industry programmes, including promotion, and research and development.
Being under the HEA means that all exporters need to be licensed by the HEA. A list of licensed exporters is available from the exporters’ contacts page of this web site.
The Persimmon Industry Council of New Zealand manages the export persimmon industry. Its directors comprise growers and exporters, and it is responsible for meeting the industry’s requirements under the HEA Act, managing industry research and development, operating industry quality programmes, and fully representing the concerns of the industry.