Field Day 2025 PIC AGM February Registration for PIC's AGM in February Name of person attending Please tell us who is coming. Up to 4 people can be attached to each registration. Name of person attending Name of person attending Name of person attending Number coming to dinner How many will be at the dinner on the evening before the AGM, 25 February, at a Gisborne restaurant. Will be at own cost. HiddenAGM and Field Day How many are coming to the industry meeting and field trip on Thursday 26 February, from 9.00m. HiddenAGM and Field Day How many are coming to the industry meeting and field trip on Thursday 26 February, from 9.00m. HiddenNumber wanting to visit a local Gisborne orchard How many will be wanting to visit a local persimmon orchard on the afternoon of 29 February. Dietary RequirementsPlease let us know here, of any particular dietary requirements that we need to cater for.