Thanks to HortNZ for the following information:
Settings for this Alert Level 4 are the same as those used last year in Level 4.
However, because this strain of Covid is far more virulent, more precautions need to be taken. The protocols adhered to last time need to be viewed as minimum standards.
Who can operate?
MPI is not registering businesses at this time.
Businesses involved in the below can operate:
• Primary industries (food and beverage production for both domestic consumption or export, plus the relevant support services) and veterinary and animal health and welfare services. It also includes businesses transporting freight.
• Pest management services, key elements of pulp and paper plants and solid fuel.
• Services involved in diagnostics for critical businesses or services like biosecurity, food safety, or public health.
However, independent retailers and greengrocers cannot open for customer access in Level 4 but can operate contactless delivery services.
Keeping safe
As above, more precautions need to be taken because the Covid delta variant is highly contagious. The Government is emphasising the following:
• Workplace bubbles are more important than last time. Watch that they are not broken before and after work, and at break times when people might want to gather together, by habit. For example, in the smoko room or around the tractor.
• Physical distancing is 2 metres. If you have staff within 2 metres and using Perspex screening, they must use masks as well.
• Wear a mask at all times. To and from work, and at work, and any time you are outside your home bubble.
• Temperature testing is strongly encouraged before people enter the work site. Staff with high temperatures must go home.
• People who are unwell must stay at home.
• Keep vulnerable people away from work at this time.
• Consider reducing workplace density so that there are fewer people on site to help with social distancing and mitigate risks
• Keep encouraging everyone to get vaccination
• But being vaccinated does not mean people will not contract Covid and more importantly, they can still be a carrier.
Boundaries/borders and travel
Boundaries/borders are likely to be needed. Borders will be established when needed, if different geographical areas of New Zealand are in diffeerent alert levels.
Like last time, travel letters are needed for staff in the event that Police stop them. There’s a template on the HortNZ website.
At this stage, registering with MBIE or carrying QR codes is not required. This is possible in the future when borders are established.
Financial assistance
This is what the Government has said but updates are expected:
The Government’s Covid-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme will be available for businesses across New Zealand when there is a regional or national move to Alert Levels 3 and 4 for a period of seven days. The Wage Subsidy Scheme allows eligible employers anywhere in the country to apply for support if they expect a loss of 40 per cent of revenue as a result of the alert level increase. Businesses will be eligible for $600 per week per full-time equivalent employee, and $359 per week per part-time employee.
Export markets
To date, there has been no adverse reaction or increased protocols from any of our export markets.
MPI engagement
MPI is planning on checking in with growers, farmers and processors about workplace protocols. These will be over the phone, rather than in person.
In summary
Businesses must operate safely and meet COVID-19 requirements. For more information, please visit Unite Against Covid-19, the MBIE website and MPI’s website.
Please note, we have also been advised that ‘advice could change at short notice as the situation develops.’ If that happens, we will update you as soon as we can.
Please also keep an eye on the HortNZ website, which we will update regularly as more information comes to hand.
Kia Kaha, Stay safe